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(261/308) 1816 - SFTP fails with non-UNIX-like servers

jEdit 5.1, FTP 1.1.

I'm running an SFTP server that represents an old good DOS-like file structure, i.e. the one with drive letters. So it works pretty much like DOS.

An example of how does it work in console:

# sftp's password:
sftp> pwd
Remote working directory: Z:/
sftp> cd test
sftp> pwd
Remote working directory: Z:/test
sftp> cd C:
sftp> pwd
Remote working directory: C:/

This server doesn't have one / root containing all these drive letters, so cd'ing to / will just give you the root of the current drive. Trying to cd to a non-existing drive will cause a "Couldn't stat remote file: Failure".

The (S)FTP plugin fails to work with it.

Attempting to connect causes java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid connection port: '' at ftp.FtpAddress.<init> etc.

I've investigated this error a bit and found that the ftp.FtpAddress class, which, it seems, should parse an ftp/sftp URI, gets an URI string like the following: s So this could be fixed with a simple check if the initial working directory (path) begins with /, and if it doesn't, just prepend / to it.

I have worked that around by entering into the "Remote host" field upon connection instead of the direct

It has managed to connect, but the current URI was s, and the file list was blank. It appears that the plugin is written in assumption that you can cd to ~ on every server. That is not true. By the way, note the double :22/:22. I don't know where did it came from.

Then I've erased the last :22/~/ in the "Path" field, so that the final URI was s, and pressed enter.

Yahoo! It displayed the remote contents and I was able to work with it further with no apparent problem, besides the fact that I'm unable to switch to another drive.

But then I've discovered another trouble. If I login with a user whose default working directory is not the root of the drive, and it is forbidden to cd to /, then the plugin renders itself completely useless. I was unable to make it display the remote content no matter what I do.

I think some parts of the plugin should be fixed with the assumption that the root directory doesn't always start with a /, and can actually start with any character.

Also it would be good to have the plugin scan for [A: ... Z:] roots, displaying all them under the virtual / root directory, or whatever, just like jEdit on Windows represents the drive letters under the common "roots:" root directory.

By the way, all the above also belongs to the plain FTP, not SFTP only, as I also have (and use) an FTP server which behaves the very same.

Thank you. Hope to see it fixed.

Submitted dbanet - 2015-04-10 01:37:33.163000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels FTP
Status open Group None
Resolution None
